CReATIVE-B (01/10/2011 – 30/09/2014)


Project description
The CReATIVE-B is an FP7 project which will seek to support the interaction between the LifeWatch Research Infrastructure with RI on biodiversity and ecosystems research in other parts of the world (DataOne, Lifewatch, Ala, Cas, Cria, GBIF, GEOBON, SANBI).

The immediate objective is to define a road map for interoperability on the technological level, on the governance level and on the interrelation with the scientific communities using the RIs. The project will therefore be a catalyst for worldwide collaboration in this field by supporting and initiating coordination activities of these RIs. The greater objective of this collaboration is to serve the goals of GEOSS. At the same time, the international outreach of LifeWatch can lead to further international collaboration on interoperability of these infrastructures to even better serve research communities worldwide.

In order to do so, CReATIVE-B will initiate with the international ‘sister’ infrastructures to have a second edition of the e-Biosphere conference, to be organized in 2013, and contribute to this conference. In achieving the goals of this coordination and support action, CReATIVE-B will further support the European Commission flagship, vision 2020.

Go to the project file in the European Commission database.

Universiteit Van Amsterdam, Cardiff University, Healthgrid, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Universidad De Alcala, Comunità Ambiente.