European Commission, DG Environment

  • Assessment of derogations report submitted by Member States in accordance to art. 16 of the Habitats Directive and art. 9 of the Birds Directive and support for European derogation report (from 2008 until now).
  • Redaction of the country report for Italy on the assessment of the measures established in 10 SPAs and their effectiveness, and contribution to the elaboration of the report “Assessment of the measures established in special protection areas and their effectiveness: final report” (2022).
  • Assessment of the CAP Strategic Plan of Italy and Malta in relation to Natura 2000, measures and CAP needs identified in the 2021-2027 PAFs (2022).
  • Analysis of EU funding needs planned in the Italian regional PAFs (2021-2022).
  • Assessment of the 2021-2027 PAFs from Malta and the 21 Italian Regions/autonomous provinces in relation to habitats/species targeted, objectives set per species/habitats, consistency and adequacy of the measures (2021).
  • Analysis of measures tackling bycatch of species protected under the Nature Directives in Italy: collecting evidence of the compliance with EU legislation and assessment of ten SACs/SPAs marine management plans (2021).
  •  Drafting of short leaflets and translation of EC guidelines and organization of workshops in Italy and Malta for the dissemination of the guidelines produced (2020).
  • Analysis of EU funding needs planned for Natura 2000 in Italy and Malta (2020).
  • Updating of the “Guidance document on the strict protection of animal species of Community interest under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC” in relation to Art. 16 (2020).
  • Elaboration of three case studies on Interreg projects benefiting Natura 2000 (2019).
  • Identification in the Italian programme of measures under the Marine Strategy of the measures that will support implementation of the main provisions of the Nature Directives (2019).
  • Contribution to an in-depth document on the management of tourism and recreational activities in Natura 2000, in relation to Italy, Malta and funds 2019).
  • Coordination of an international group of experts for the implementation of workshops in all Member States aimed at supporting national authorities in the drafting of the PAF 2021-2027 and organization of workshops in Italy and Malta (2018).
  • Elaboration of the Country Profile for Italy on the implementation of the Nature Directives to support the organization of Bilateral Dialogues with Italy (2018).
  • Support for the organization and participation in the bilateral meeting between the EC and Italian authorities and interest groups (2018).
  • Implementation of a scoping study and drafting of two documents “Case studies linking cultural heritage with policies dealing with Natura 2000 and biodiversity” (2017) and “Natural and Cultural Heritage in Europe: Working together within the Natura 2000 Network”, on the linkages between N2000 and cultural sites (2018).
  • Evaluation of complaints for infringements of the Habitats and Birds Directives relating to three European countries (Cyprus, Greece and Italy).
  • Evaluation of the objectives, designation documents (2013) and conservation measures of 9 SACs designated in Italy (2017).
  • Evaluation of 9 Italian reports on the application of the art. 6.4 of the Habitats Directive on plans and projects regarding compensation measures (2020).
  • Verification of the correct inclusion of issues relating to Natura 2000 and PAF measures in 32 Italian, Greek and Cypriot Operational Programs 2014-2020 relating to the ERDF, EAFRD and EMFF community funds (2014).
  • Evaluation of the implementation of 13 EU management plans on huntable bird species (2014).
  • Production of the brochure on sustainable hunting and Natura 2000 (2013).
  • Produced the summary assessments of 9 PAFs Italian Regions (2013).
  • Analysis of the implementation of the EU regulation on alien species in Italy and Malta.
  • Technical support for the identification of measures to be included in PAF (2012).
  • Production of case studies of best practices of management of agricultural areas inside of Natura 2000 sites in Italy and Greece (2011-2012).
  • Production of a scoping study to assess the need of a methodology to calculate the “limited extent” sensu art. 16.1 of the Habitats Directive (2011).
  • Technical assessment of compliance of the legal provisions and of the implementation of art.9.1.c of the Birds Directive in France, Latvia, Austria, Finland and Spain (2010) and Malta (finches) (2015).
  • Development of a methodology to evaluate the impact of fishery on marine Natura 2000 sites in the EU (2010-2012).
  • Assessment of Birds Directive’s implementation report (art. 12) in seven Member States (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain) (2010).
  • Production and editing of a research study in the impacts of biodiversity changes on human health (2009-2010).
  • Production of a report on the implementation of the Bern Convention (2008-2015).
  • Technical support for the development of the IT system HaBiDes for the submission of reports (Habitats and Birds Directives and Bern Convention) (2008-2011).
  • Production of management model for habitats of community interest useful for the production of management plan of Natura 2000 sites in the 27 Member States of the EU (2006-2008).
  • Assessment of management plans of Natura 2000 sites and action plans for species and habitats of community interest (1994-2005).
  • Monitoring and assessment of 160 projects on species and habitats included in the Habitats and Birds Directives and on Natura 2000 sites in Italy and Slovenia (1994-2005).
  • Assessment of results, including through on site visits, of projects carried out in Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Spain (1994-2005).
  • Networking activities between the European Commission, the beneficiaries and local authorities, regional and national, NGO, institutions and stakeholders on Life Nature projects and on Natura 2000 Network (1994-2005).
  • Meeting in Brussels for the coordination of actions with the DG Environment of the European Commission and for the start-up of the Natura 2000 Network (1994-2005).
  • Production of more than 1.500 reports for technical and financial assessment of projects (1994-2005).
  • Technical and scientific support to the assessment of project proposals, based on the application of the logical framework (1994-2004).
  • Representation of the European Commission in conferences, workshops and seminars to promote LIFE Natura and best practices for the management of Natura 2000 network (1994-2005).
  • Production of guidelines for the implementation of compensation measures, art. 6(4) of the Habitats Directive in Sites of Community Interest identified in 25 EU Member States (2005).
  • Production of a study on the effects of agro-environmental measures on the conservation of species and habitats listed in the Habitats Directive in 25 EU Member States (2006-2008).
  • Organization of a workshop on “Obligations of the Implementation of the Directive for the Urban Wastewater Treatment” attended by representatives at national, regional and local level (2005).

Ministry of the Environment, Nature Protection

  • Technical support for the implementation of the LIFE programme and for the new financial support mechanisms for the Natura 2000 Network (2005-2006).
  • Production of a publication: “The contribution of LIFE Nature projects in Italy, indications and perspectives for future” (2006).
  • Organization of a meeting “The contribution of LIFE Natura to the application of Habitats and Birds Directives and to the nature conservation in Italy” (2006).
  • Revision of proposals submitted to the LIFE Natura funding (2005).

National Research Council – Life Science Department
Support in the transition and construction phases of the European research infrastructure LifeWatch (2011-2012).
Membership in the Italian JRU of the European research infrastructure LifeWatch as a founding member.

Rome Province

  • Technical and scientific support in the production of management plans of nine sites of community interest (2004).
  • Monitoring of the LIFE+ Nature Ricopri “Recovery and conservation of dry grassland in south and central Italy” (2011-2015).

Prato Province

  • Information brochure on the project 2010.
  • Studies on Birds (2009-2011).
  • Contribution to the production of the management plan of SIC and ZPS “Stagni della piana fiorentina e pratese” (2011).

TECLA Europa – Association of local entities dor the international cooperation
Monitoring of the LIFE+ project Providune “Conservation and recovery of dune habitats of sites in the Cagliari, Matera and Caserta Province” (2010-2013).

Town of Florence

  • Study “Nature and landscape” in the framework of the Structural Plan (2005-2006).
  • Preliminary study for the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Structural Plan (2006-2007).

Terni Province
Production of a conservation project for the lacustrine network under Birds and Habitats Directives (2005).

Agroqualità – Rome
Study for an integrated approach for the certification and valorisation of local production systems (2004).